
Master ICS

Year 2021-2022

Responsable du module

Germain Pham



Inspection des études

Danielle DELOY



Fundamental of Analog and RF electronics

The purpose of this module is to introduce the concepts, architectures and basic components for front-end RF transceivers. Essential analog functions are identified and studied in detail: RF components, frequency synthesis, and A-to-D and D-to-A conversions. At the end of this course, the student will be familiar with the main blocks of RF electronics, how they operate, their main limitations (distortion, noise) and their impact on the performance of an RF chain. Moreover, the student will know how to implement the functions phase locked loop (PLL) and conversion in a broader context of analog and mixed signal (AMS) information processing. The strengths of this course are to start at system level for RF architectures and from design specifications to gradually understand the constraints to be distributed on the key elements of receiver architecture.
The course will include lectures, tutorials and labs. The final grade is a weighted score of the final exam and the three labs.